
Friday, February 10, 2012

Insta-Friday. Instagram Weekly Photos

Linking up with Life Rearranged again!

This week has been a crazy week. I unpacked my things, packed up some of my sister-in-laws things, and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. Moving isn't any fun! I will just find a cave and live there for the next 50 years. I am sick of moving! So to get out of the house I visited with some wonderful friends and took my daughter to the park. 
This is Emily chasing ducks. Although she did touch every duck that was being distracted with bread (and made me think she was going to get the bird flu...) I let myself enjoy watching her play. 

Then the artist formally known as Prince showed up.
I seriously don't understand why some of these ducks had wigs on. Hilarious, but confusing.
And Emily turned 3 on January 29th, but because we are in Texas now she needed another party to celebrate! So this is her Bday cake with the family. 
Found this at the mall. My nickname is Bri.
And this little ham helped me get through the week.

I hope you enjoyed looking through these pics. I have really started to enjoy my life as a work from home mom! I have noticed such a difference in Emily and myself. I am much more patient with her and she is just not as clingy now that she is seeing me more. I really am happy and I think she is too. Come to think of it she's always happy! ;)

Head on over to Life Rearranged and check out other cool Instagram pics!

life rearranged

Till next time! 
-Bri, Bridgie, Brenda or Brittany. I answer to all of em! :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Insta-Friday. Instagram Weekly Photos

life rearranged

Linking up with Life Rearranged and sharing my photos again. This week we moved from Tempe, AZ to The Woodlands, TX. I am so tired! Here's my week: 

We will miss our sweet friends and family in Arizona! One of my friends came by and took EmJ to the park with her two daughters to help keep her from getting in the way of the moving furniture! It was such a blessing!
A last minute hug session with some BFF's in AZ
Sweet girl! Xoee

I need more COWBELL!!!

Scooter Skillz
After the truck was packed we cleaned up the condo and started our loooooooong drive! The first day we drove 10 hours and then we drove 12 the next day. What was I thinking?????

My driving buddy!
Junk in the trunk!
Pit stop

Emily is now fully potty trained... so we had to make a few "unscheduled" stops! She kept yelling I pee'd in the dirt! 

She kept herself busy the WHOLE time! God gave me a travelin girl!
Smiley face... 
Poor Foofa got a ladybug "tramp stamp" somewhere in New Mexico 
Fixed a hole in her jeans. 
The sun set on us just before the Texas border... 
Lovin life in Texas.

We are glad to be finished with the driving and I am glad to be sleeping in my own bed again and am looking forward to getting settled in here. I've cried more this week then I have in a long while. But I'm trusting God with all that He's bringing our way. 

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps
Proverbs 16:9

Here's to believing in the placement of those steps!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Toddler Activities

Seriously, I loved this game as a kid. And I'd forgotten about it until just the other day at Tarjay, I saw it! It was on sale for $4.99. I couldn't pass it up.

So I took it home and Emily and I have been playing it ever since! It's super easy for her to grasp the idea of one bean at a time and we take turns. At first when it would spill out she would be all bummed and pout for a second. But now she gets it, and she even tilts the bucket when I'm not looking to make them spill on my side. Little stinker!

I've really enjoyed finding all these cute little games that she and I can play together.

Here are some other cool games for the 2-3 year olds:

This fun little game I got for $3.50 at Kid2Kid. (It's a little re-sale shop, but it has nicer stuff cause they buy it off of you. They don't just work off of donations) The bummer thing was that it was missing one wand and a ton of the little butterflies. So I just sewed some ribbon in the same shape and it works great!

I got this at Tarjay as well. I don't remember how much it cost but it defiantly was worth it. I have to edit out a lot of the cards for her, otherwise she can't really play. First we started with 3-4 matches, and now we are up to 6-8. She loves it and asks to play all the time!

Insta-Friday. Instagram Weekly Photos

life rearranged

Linking up with Life Rearranged and sharing my silly Instagram photos. (If you don't know what Instagram is, it's an app for iphones that turn your normal and sometimes boring iphone photos into cool and awesome photos!)

Here are mine for the week. I know there isn't much but, I am moving across country this week!! ( long can I keep that up!!??!!) 

Sleeping on the way to the park.
Reading at Barnes and Noble, we needed a break from cardboard boxes!
Running on the stage and dancing crazy! 
Double thumbs up. 
Showing off her sunnies and her TOMS!
Crazy static on the trampoline!

Moving Day Birthday's

{via} on my Pinterest Board!

Here we are on the eve of our move to Houston, Texas. My daughter is going to be 3 on Sunday, and it has become somewhat of a tradition that we move on her birthday weekend.

The proof is in the pudding:
-One day after Emj's birth, my husband moved us into an apartment. My Mom and Mother in law stayed in the hospital with me and kept me company... mostly to kept EmJ company as I was completely whacked out on morphine (thank you unexpected C-section!)

That's my mom holding EmJ. I wouldn't trust me either in that crazed morphine state!
1 day old EmJ. Happy 1st moving day!
-Her first b-day we didn't move! But we did move when she was 6 months (out to Los Angeles to work with YWAM)... and then again when she was 1 and a half (out to Phoenix, AZ cause our time with YWAM had ended).
EmJ's 1st b-day!

-On her second birthday we moved into a condo. We stopped unpacking breifly to have cupcakes and open a few presents.

-This year we are moving to Texas on her b-day weekend.

We are those crazy gypsy people.


We have moved so much that I feel like I'm a pro at it. I get rid of TONS of stuff by way of garage sale and Goodwill. The rest of it gets boxed up and loaded into the U-Haul.

I am hoping to end this moving trend! 5 big moves in 3 short years! Here's to staying in one place!
And happy birthday to my sweet girl! 3 years old already, you are so smart and bright. You bring joy to all who meet you! I love you!!!!!!!!!!

{via} my Pinterest Board!